
As soon is possible here I’m trying to put together all my good photos with amphibians and reptiles that I meet in my trips and hopefully one day too add some info about them.

UPDATE: 15.may.2016 – 53 species in more than 290 photos… is just started

If you are only interested to see only a particular species use the SEARCH box or if interested to see only species photographed in a certain country just click on that country name in category section, WORK IN PROGRESS. You can browse for the species on families links or you can see all the species in one page (hope that soon there will be a very long list…).

A page with all the photos can be seen here and the possibility to see the last changes (new species added, or changes in species page) happened here was added.

Even if I’m a biologist (more an entomologist), and I try my best it is possible that you will find sometime wrong identifications. If it happens to see the mistakes, please let me know so I can correct them (more about me here).

Any comments/observations/critics are welcome, please put them here as comments (or at the page of any species ) or let me know via contact me from the side bar.

The name used here are after the one found in herp.it (at least the one for Europe).

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